Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lets cut the perks...

The city of Miami is bleeding money and some of our elected officials and city employees are still reaping ridiculous perks, such as an $800 a month car allowance plus a $200 a month cell phone allowance.  This is outrageous.

City of Miami axpayers are hurting and cutting back just to make ends meet, but their hard earned tax dollars are being wasted on these perks.  The city should cut these perks for EVERYONE.  No exceptions.  With the salaries that some employees are bringing in, a bonus in the form of a car and cell phone allowance is just a slap in the face to all the citizens of Miami.  The rest of us have to make due with our salaries - without additional compensation.  City employees should do the same.  Heck, while they're cutting back, how about eliminating ALL take home cars and personal drivers?

So how much money is being doled out to city employees and elected officials for their cars and cell phones?  Stay tuned...